Schloss Mirabell

A Storied History

As is so often the case in Salzburg’s history, the builder of Schloss Mirabell was a leading spiritual figure and, as the archbishop, also the political leader of the wealthy Salzburg archbishopric.  In 1606, Prince Archbishop Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau had a palace built outside the city walls for Salome Alt, the daughter of a prosperous Salzburg citizen, a palace he named "Altenau". 

Salome Alt, whose father was the highly regarded merchant and politician Wilhelm Alt, was the great love in Wolf Dietrich’s life.  The name we know today, “Mirabell”, was given to the palace by Wolf Dietrich’s successor, Markus Sittikus (1612 - 1619).  Archbishop Franz Anton Fürst von Harrach had Schloss Mirabell undergo lavish remodeling from 1721 to 1727 under the direction of famous architect of the Baroque, Lukas von Hildebrandt.  The somewhat modest appearance of today was bestowed upon the palace by Peter de Nobile, court architect and director of the school of architecture in Vienna.

The former banquet hall of the archbishops, the Marble Hall, is regarded today as one of the world’s most beautiful wedding venues. In its long history, Schloss Mirabell has always been the home to famous personalities. Today, the palace is also home to offices of the city government and Salzburg’s mayor.

more information:

Mirabell - Stadt Salzburg

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