Rupertus Therme

Spa & Fitness Resort

Opened in March 2005, the Rupertus Therme in Bad Reichenhall (20 km from Salzburg) offers an expansive salt-water spa with a variety of pools, hot tubs, a grotto and outdoor pool.  A fresh-water pool in the small-child area, as well as childcare services, are also available.  The indoor sauna facilities at the Rupertus Therme span two floors and 850 m².  Outdoors, sauna aficionados will be thrilled by the wood-fired Earth Sauna and the two-storey Finnish Sauna Temple.  A cold-water area, sheltered from the wind, as well as a panoramic relaxation room on the upper floor of the Sauna Temple, with a wood-fired stove, add the finishing touches to the stylish ambience.

In the Beauty & Vitality Center of the Rupertus Therme in Bad Reichenhall, guests receive a true pampering at the Cosmetics Salon, including massages and healthful baths.   The Health & Fitness Center of the Rupertus Therme offers a modern fitness studio, along with different classes, check-ups by sports physicians, consultations and supervised care.


Traditioneller Rupertikirtag 20.-24. September 2024
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Salzburger Land Card für 6 Tage (buchbar 1. Mai bis 5. November 2024)

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