Schloss Hellbrunn

Pleasure palace with world-famous trick fountains

This Stone Theatre is Europe’s oldest open-air stage.

Shortly after taking office in the year 1612, Salzburg prince archbishop Markus Sittikus von Hohenems commissioned the building of this country seat.  He chose as a site the foot of Hellbrunn mountain, an area with abundant waters.  Within a, for those times at least, very short period of time, he had created an architectural jewel on the southern outskirts of Salzburg.  To this day, Hellbrunn remains one of the most magnificent examples of Renaissance architecture north of the Alps.  Unique in all of the world are the famous trick fountains.  And so, visitors are able to experience in virtually unchanged form, what once amused the archbishops of old: mysterious grottos, water-driven figurines and unpredictable sprays of water.  Markus Sittikus also had a natural quarry in Hellbrunn remodeled for his own purposes, turning it into a stage, known today by the name “Steintheater”. 

This Stone Theatre is Europe’s oldest open-air stage.  Hellbrunn mountain is also the site of the “Monatsschlösschen”, owing its name to the spectacularly short time (one month) it took to build.  It was built in 1615 by Archbishop Markus Sittikus. Today it houses the regional ethnology collection of Salzburg’s Carolino Augusteum Museum.  Aside from beautiful Salzburg folk costumes, you can view examples of the region’s folk traditions and of popular piety. The finishing touches to this fascinating collection are added by exhibits related to daily life and lifestyles, as well as folk medicine.

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