Hohensalzburg Fortress

Salzburgs emblem

Hohensalzburg Fortress is the biggest fully preserved castle in Central Europe and the emblem of Salzburg City.   It was built in the year 1077 by Archbishop Gebhard.  Archbishop Leonhard von Keutschach (1495-1519) oversaw extensive expansion to the fortress.  Especially worth seeing are the medieval princes’ chambers and the castle museum.  In order to make it easier to reach the top of the mountain, a funicular was constructed in 1892.  It is particularly worthy of note that this fortress, in its long history, was never captured by enemies or those laying siege.  The fortress served as both a defensive structure and residence during times shaken by crisis, as well as a military barracks and a prison.

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Castle Salzburg

Traditioneller Rupertikirtag 20.-24. September 2024
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